Elements Collection


Elements Collection

“Inspired by Nature, your Dog’s desire”

Something this past year or so has taught us all, is to appreciate the little things in life and this is something we wanted to portray with this collection of dog apparel. The first collection of Love Nala and something that relates to us all, and our pups!

Let me tell you a story, close your eyes, and imagine.

Let’s roll back to March 2020, when we were told to stay at home, and not see our family and friends, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The only thing we could do.. was to go for a walk.

That walk then became unbelievably important to everyone, as it gave us sanity, to appreciate the world and to appreciate what freedom we had, and how we all desired to have it back.

The colour of the sky, the earthy smell, the sound of the lake and the warmth on your skin when you returned back to your cosy home - all related to the World’s Elements - Sky/Air, Earth, Water, and Fire.

Of course, all of this is just important to our dogs, who quite simply, live for their daily walk and adventure.

Introducing the ‘Elements Collection’

  • Earth - Because our dogs mean the world to us
  • Fire - Because our dogs are the light of our lives
  • Sky - Because we love our dogs to the moon and back
  • Water - Because we would part the ocean for our dogs


We hope you love this collection as much as we do.

Written by Emily on 29/06/2021


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